Blue Ocean Strategy® is the systematic pursuit of new market and demand creation through the simultaneous pursuit of higher value and lower cost. It is called Blue Ocean Strategy® because it is about creating unknown market space where you do not compete head-to-head against the competition but rather make them irrelevant by creating new markets where no competition exists. The book, Blue Ocean Strategy ®, by Professor W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne, has become an international bestseller, with over one million copies sold in its first year and published in 41 languages, a record for Harvard Business School Press.
5th February 2009, Monday - Kuala Lumpur
17th March 2009, Tuesday - Kota Kinabalu
19th March 2009, Thursday - Kuching
Led by certified blue ocean strategy experts, this one day workshop provides participants with a basic introduction to the concepts, tools and methodologies behind Blue Ocean Strategy / Value Innovation. Using a combination of presentations, small group exercises, and "learning by doing," participants will gain the primary building blocks to begin integrating blue ocean strategy into their business environment straightaway.
Participants will:
Learn how Blue Ocean Strategy is "put into action" in their businesses with practical, hands-on tools and methodologies.
Learn how to "wake up" their organizations to the need for change and explore options on how to quickly and effectively create a blunt understanding of their businesses in value innovation terms.
Learn the family of blue ocean strategy/value innovation tools and methodologies - including PMS Map, Strategy Canvas, Buyer Experience Cycle, Six Paths Framework - providing insights into how to unlock the possibility of creating new markets.
Learn the process of aligning utility, price and cost propositions as they identify strategic options that dramatically raise customer utility while achieving lower costs for the company.
The course is focused on "action learning" whereby teams use a select set of blue ocean strategy tools and methodologies - albeit in a condensed fashion - to work on a "mini case" during the daylong session.
RM 1,500 per person.
The workshop fee is inclusive of workshop organization costs, document bags, writing materials, lunch and refreshments, and certificates of attendance
The workshop fee is claimable under the SBL Scheme of PSMB.
For more details, please click on this link
25th - 27th March, 2009 - Kuala Lumpur (Wednesday to Friday)
26th - 28th May, 2009 - Kuala Lumpur (Tuesday to Thursday)
It is one thing to speak about blue oceans, and it is all together different to have the tested and proven methodologies, tools, and frameworks to systematically create them. Until recently, the field of strategy has been dominated by the tried and proven analytics of competitive red ocean strategy. They are clear, precise, and important approaches that would only be dropped at a company's peril. Yet, these analytics keep us trapped in the bloody red ocean of competition.
Meanwhile, the strategy field has remained virtually silent on how to break out of the red ocean of competitive strategy to create a blue ocean of new market space. Instead, executives have been told to be brave, entrepreneurial, and revolutionary in their attempts to break away from the pack. While inspiring, these approaches do not provide a theoretical lens to understand how to reconstruct market boundaries and create new demand in an opportunity maximizing and risk minimizing way.
Without the proper tools, methodologies, and analytics to successfully create and capture uncontested market space, managers cannot be expected to act on the call to break out of existing competition. To address this imbalance, Professors Kim & Mauborgne have spent the past decade developing a set of analytical tools and frameworks to make the pursuit of blue oceans as methodical, codified, and executable as competing in the traditional competitive landscape. They studied companies around the world and developed practical methodologies in the quest of blue oceans. Then, working with their Blue Ocean Strategy Network practitioners, they applied, tested, and perfected these tools and frameworks in action by working with companies in their pursuit of blue oceans. The ideas, tools, and frameworks presented in this workbook have been further tested and refined over the years in corporate and public sectors practices in Asia, North America, and Europe.
In this three day "action learning" course, participants will learn the advanced application of the Blue Ocean Strategy/Value Innovation tools, methodologies, and frameworks in client environments that are both opportunity maximizing and risk minimizing.
The course is focused on "action learning," whereby teams of participants work through the entire Blue Ocean Strategy process - albeit in a highly condensed fashion - working on their own company's products and services.
The total group fee is RM 30,000 per company (maximum five participants per company).
This fee is inclusive of workshop organization costs, document bags, writing materials, lunches and refreshments, and certificates of attendance
For more details, please click on this link
The workshop will be led by Jason Hunter together with experienced experts from the UCSI Blue Ocean Strategy Regional Centre. As the Director of Training for the Regional Centre, and a former INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute Executive Fellow and Director of Training for the Blue Ocean Strategy Network, Mr. Hunter has provided strategic counsel and executive development to some of the world's most recognizable organizations including KPMG, Pearson PLC, Toshiba, CVS Pharmacies, IBM, Syngenta, Danone, SAP, US State Department, and the World Bank to name a few.
A passionate lecturer, he has taught Blue Ocean Strategy at many of the world's leading business schools and corporate campuses in Europe, Asia, and North America. Jason is an acclaimed expert in the field of Blue Ocean Strategy and Value Innovation, and has consulted across most industrial sectors, successfully creating breakthrough business ideas using this highly regarded strategy formulation and execution methodology. Prior to joining the BOS Regional Centre, Mr. Hunter has worked with INSEAD, Blue Ocean Strategy Network, Global Business Network - Europe, Strategos Institute, the London School of Economics, and Columbia University.
Miss Pang or Puan Ela
Tel: 03-4042 3309 or 03-4042 6309 Fax: 03-4042 7309
Arrow Training Sdn Bhd - 509292A
(formerly known as Arrow Consulting Sdn Bhd)
Suite 1608, Level 16, Plaza Pengkalan, Off Jalan Ipoh, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
To register via fax, please download the form from our website, and fax this form to (603) 4042 7309
02 January 2009
Blue Ocean Strategy® Workshops
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Blue Ocean Strategy® WorkshopsBlue Ocean Strategy® is the systematic pursuit of new market and demand creation through the simultaneous pursuit of higher value and lower cost. It i… Read More
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