09 June 2009

Performance-based Telephone Receivable & Debit Collections Techniques {ADV}

Seminars, Workshops, Training Courses etc

DATE:                19 Jun 2009
TIME:                9:00AM - 5:00PM
VENUE:                The Coronade Hotel
FEE:                RM 888.00
Performance-based Telephone Receivables & Debt Collections Techniques

Designed specially for the downturn, a skills coaching workshop in effective payments collecting using the telephone to reduce potential losses in operational cash flows

Benefits of the course

Losses due to bad receivables collections skills can be effectively addressed by learning the correct payment collections techniques. Using the telephone is the most common, most economical and a highly effective means to collect if you are trained to do it correctly. It harder to collect overdue accounts in today's deteriorating economic environment, the program reinforces the essentials for staff in the demanding world of revenue & debt collections management. Whether it's initial training for new AR staff or refresher training for experienced people, this program saves valuable training time as it teaches proven telephone collections skills that generate results.
This telephone collections training course teaches the core concepts, skills, and knowledge to effectively improve your debt chasing and ultimately improve your bottom line. The Trainer, Alan Go, is a professional collections practitioner that counts Canon, DBS Bank, COURTS Megastore, World Resorts Bhd, Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam, Public Bank, Yamaha Music School and DHL amongst others as training customers, he will take you step-by-step through the telephone collections process providing valuable insight to the behavior styles you may encounter and the danger signals you may confront to overcome them and collect more money using the telephone.

At the conclusion of this training course you will:
- Know winning approach to telephone collections to get payment
- Learn vital techniques for collection staff to increase debt recovery for 1st party collections  
- Know the applications of tactics for different delinquent accounts and aging across the credit cycle  
- Key communications applications of using appropriate collecting structure for different accounts to maintain customer relationships  
- Know debtors profiling and difficult customers handling

Concepts to understanding defaulters' behaviors and payment issues
* Understanding roles of a revenue collections person
* Managing the different debtor's segments  
* Knowing the psychology of debtors  
* Learning the Debt Hierarchy concept
* Identifying Warning Signs To Reduce And Prevent Bad Debts
* Applying the collections debt "DNA" and "Cs":
- Character of defaulters
- Conditions of defaulters
- Capacity of defaulters
- Capital of defaulters
- Cognitive influences

Developing effective telephone collections techniques  
* Learning the proper steps of customer contacts
* Preparing for your AR dunning calls
* Gaining skills in tele-collections communications
- Voice dunning using of voice effcetively
- Questioning probing techniques and
- Questioning techniques to handle excuses
- Essential listening skills in payment chasing

Negotiating for payment commitment in your telephone conversation
* Dealing and overcoming common excuses  
* Preventing pitfalls when talking to customers
* Managing interpersonal skills to handle difficult calls
* Overcoming difficult customers and payment objections
* Closing the dunning call to get commitment to pay

To register via fax, please click here to fax the form to (603) 7880 8081.

To register online, please click here. http://www.0spend.com/regform.php?id=352

For group of 10 and above, In-House training or SDF Training assistance, please contact us @ (603) 7880 9762 or email AdminMY@ezineasia.com for details.

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bathmate said...

nice posting....i like it...it is really helpful to all...
