07 June 2009

Fw: Win a Garmin GPS - How Do You Secure Web Apps? - 2009 Survey

In this weeks isue of IT Security Bulletin:
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IT Security Bulletin
 Delivering the Hottest IT Security Solutions

Welcome to a special edition of IT Security Bulletin!

How Do You Secure Your Web Applications? - Reader Survey: Win a GPS!
Did you know that Web applications are proving to be the weakest link
in overall corporate security?

In fact, Gartner estimates that over 75%
of all Internet assaults are targeted at
Web applications.
And because Web
applications are intended to be externally
accessed using a browser, attacks easily
bypass perimeter security solutions. To
prevent compromise, organizations need a
Web application scanning solution that can
scan for security loopholes in Web-based
applications and prevent would-be hackers
from gaining unauthorized access to
corporate applications and data.

What is your company doing to guard your Web applications? Take the
2009 Web Application Security survey presented by Qualys and get
a chance to win a Garmin GPS.

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