02 June 2009

Training On Electrical Services for Buildings (2 Days)

2-Day Training On Electrical Services for Buildings
[Design & Maintenance]

Venue : Puri  Pujangga UKM, Bdr Baru Bangi.
Date  : 29 – 30 June
Fee   : RM 1290 / person

The aim of this course is to introduce the concept of Design and Maintenance of Electrical System for Buildings by looking at simple and holistic approaches that can be employed and deciding the issues to look for.

Aims of the Course:
·    Knowing the electrical principle.
·    Being able to calculate and select cable size.
·    Being able to understand the supply of electricity is governed by legislation.
·    Understanding the basic concept and influential factors that affect the design and maintenance of electrical systems.
·    Being able to understand the function and maintain of the electrical services in building such as fire alarm, lighting, and etc.

The Course will cover the following areas:

1.  Introduction to electrical principle
2.  Cable type and its sizing
3.  Wiring System.
4.  Cable rating and and distribution.
5.  Lighting system.
6.  Protection devices.
7.  Fire alarm and call systems.
8.  Lightning protection.
9.  Regulations.
10. Design Example.
11. Maintenance of electrical equipment.

Who Should Attend:
Engineers, Architects, Consultants, Energy Managers, Building Managers, Maintenance Managers, Executive, Technicians

Dr. Gobbi has been associated with technical education for more than 13 years.  He has worked as electrician and  R&D engineer before started his career as a lecturer in electrical and electronics engineering. He was teaching undergraduate courses for nearly 10 Years.  Dr. Gobbi has supervised many research works on variable speed drives, automation, and domestic electrical installations.

Dr Normiza received her degree with First Class Honours in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Wales, College of Cardiff, UK in 1996. She obtained the Ph. D degree in Electrical Engineering from the same university, in 2001. She has involved in much research work and has delivered a number of seminars on the topics of electrical installation and wiring design, earthing and protection systems. Dr Normiza is currently a Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering at the Multimedia University, Malaysia.

2 Day Course

Venue : Puri  Pujangga UKM, Bdr Baru Bangi.
Date    : 29 – 30 June
Fee      : RM 1290 / person

Group discount is available

HRDF claimable **

Please contact Mr. Syahrin for further assistance.
** please submit your application form on line before attending the training on HRDF homepage

Please visit our homepage :

to download brocure, map and application from.

For Enquiry &  Registration,
Please contact:

BUSCAT Sdn Bhd. (761020—X)
312—B Level 2 Diamond Complex,
Bangi Business Park,
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
Tel : 03 20969361
Fax : 03 20969397

Know someone who might be interested in the email? Forward this email to a friend.

If you no longer wish to receive this email megad@ymail.com

Some companies that have joined our training.
NAZA TTDI Sdn. Bhd, Prescot Hotel, Malaysia Airline System (MAS), Semasa Services  Sdn. Bhd (MRCB), Ranhill Worley Sdn Bhd, Canon, Penang Bridge Sdn Berhad,  Everly Resort, UKM Perunding Kejuruteraan dan Arkitek Sdn Bhd, United Engineer Malaysia (UEM), Teraju Suria Sdn Bhd, Mecten Sales and Services, Eraa Facility Services Sdn Bhd, Artwork Interiors Sdn Bhd,  Academic and Skills Development Sdn Bhd,  May Tower Hotel Serviced Apaertment KL. CAROTECH Berhad, Protek Engineers Sdn. Bhd. ISC Micro Precision Sdn. Bhd, PRESTAHARTA Sdn. Bhd

BUSCAT Sdn. Bhd.
BUilding Services Consultancy And Training.
Putting The Theory Into Practise

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